Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend Camp SkyWild?

The Spectrum Program is open to campers with an autism diagnosis 7-17 years old (behavioral criteria below).

The Siblings Program is open to neurotypical campers 6-12 years old. Siblings campers have a sibling with any diagnosis (not limited to autism ). They may attend camp without their sibling (behavioral criteria below).

The Teen Program is open to campers 12-16 years old. Teen campers are often neurotypical siblings aging out of the youth program and interested in becoming counselors(behavioral criteria below).

SkyWild Summit is open to any neurotypical adult age 18+ interested in practicing independent living and engaging in summer camp style fun (behavioral criteria below).

Family Camp is open to the whole family, including families who have not sent their children to our overnight summer programs.

What is the supervision ratio at summer camp?

At Camp SkyWild we set our counselor to camper ratio specifically for campers to be successful. Our overall ratio is about 3:1 (camper to counselor).  Our Siblings Program has a slightly higher ratio of 4:1 (camper to counselor).

Does Camp SkyWild serve the whole autism spectrum?

Mostly, yes. Campers who attend any Camp SkyWild will be independent with toileting and showering. We can verbally prompt campers through a bathroom and shower routine, and we remind campers to use the restroom, but our staff do not physically wipe or bathe campers. We have a 3:1 camper to counselor ratio, so all participants should be able to move through the day with a group of other campers and staff without regular need for 1:1 support. This includes behaviors that may require 1:1 management (ie physical aggression, elopement, etc). If you’re unsure if Camp SkyWild will be a good option for your child, please give us a call (734-436-1453).

Campers should be able to eat solid food and physically move around camp with a group. We serve most of the autism spectrum. Campers can be high functioning or have higher needs, verbal or non verbal. Our team has experience with Alternative and Augmented Communication (AAC) devices.

The activities are all planned so that kids can access them on different levels. Campers who can access complex activities have a really exciting time participating in everything—and kids who are more sensory motivated or less verbal are also able to engage and enjoy themselves.

How much does Camp SkyWild cost?

Spectrum Program $1,599

Sibling / Teen Program $899

SkyWild Summit (adults) $1,499

Family Camp Program: $200/ person

Does Camp SkyWild provide financial assistance?


Our team strives to ensure that money is not a barrier in campers attending our program. We fundraise all year to provide SkyWild scholarships to our participants. These need-based scholarships are provided on a first come first served basis, so early application (before March 15) is encouraged. Our financial aid application is part of our standard camper application. Please note: all of our scholarships are partial funding for camp. If you aim to have your child’s tuition covered in full, you’ll need to pursue a few additional resources (see below).


We also partner with other organizations in the community to help families find additional funding beyond what we’ve fundraised within our organization. All of these options require early action, so contact us before March 31 for guidance in these processes.

What should my child bring to camp?

A packing list will be provided to your camper upon enrollment. Once you receive our enrollment packet, if you have additional questions you can contact us at 734-436-1453.